Stand up paddle surfing is taking the world by storm. Whether you call it SUP surfing, paddle surfing, stand up paddle boarding or beach boy surfing, you are entering a new addition to the waterman lifestyle. is dedicated to bringing you the most up to date inside information on the stand up paddle surf phenomenon. Aloha and mahalo for visiting
Archive Page 59
December 23rd, 2008 by evan

Ekolu Kalama with his Starboard 9’
I got a chance to interview Ekolu Kalama, who’s a team rider for Starboard SUP. He was here on Oahu, Hawaii for a few days getting ready to film the movie pilot for his SUP adventure. It must be really cool to get paid to SUP around the world.
Continue reading ‘Ekolu Kalama Interview – How He Got Started’
December 21st, 2008 by evan

Coast Guard race sign in table and volunteers
The Coast Guard race had over 100+ entrants, one-man canoes, 6-man canoes, stand up paddlers and a few lie down paddleboarders. We started off at the Hawaii Kai boat ramp area in Maunalua Bay and I think it was a pretty open route. Once we actually ended up getting started, most of us just went straight across the bay towards Diamond Head. I was pretty surprised because Jeff Chang normally ditches me and blows me away. I think he’s normally at least 10, 15 or maybe even 20 minutes in front of me on comparable size boards.
Continue reading ‘Coast Guard November 2008 SUP Race’
December 19th, 2008 by evan

This is a short video I took of Joe putting on the C4 Waterman paddle grip on my C4 XPR SUP paddle shaft. It will show you how the grip is installed. You might want to do it on your own shafts but if your hands are shaky, might as well try it on someone else’s. Watch how accurate Joe is with the installation, from the grip set-up, cutting the excess part and finishing it off scratch free.

(click thumbnail to launch video)
December 18th, 2008 by admin

This article was originally published by The Calgary Herald. Read the original article here:
Pete Estabrooks
For The Calgary Herald
Thursday, December 18, 2008
There are few more invigorating ways to spend time than releasing yourself from the bonds of gravity flying across the body of water and frolicking a day away.
Maybe it’s an offshoot of the old “we’re composed mostly of water” theory or the idea that we all evolved from water creatures–or perhaps it’s just that increasing our sense of weightlessness that makes things so darn easy.
Continue reading ‘Got water? Try standup paddling’
December 17th, 2008 by admin

This article was originally published by The Australian. Read the original article here:,28124,24814211-5018061,00.html
Fred Pawle | December 17, 2008
The toy of this summer for anyone who loves the ocean and wants to stay fit is the stand-up paddle board. “It’s the fastest growing water sport in the world,” says Chris de Aboitiz of the Stand Up Paddle Surfing shop in Noosa, Queensland.
Continue reading ‘Take a stand for fun’
December 17th, 2008 by evan

The Super 12′6″ is a normal stand up board but it’s been rigged up so that it has a mast track that you can put a windsurf sail in the middle. It also has a retractable keel in the middle and all these different attachments. It’s really pretty cool.
Continue reading ‘Starboard Super 12-6 SUP Windsurf Board Video’
December 16th, 2008 by admin

If I had a £, $ or € for the predictable look of surprise on peoples faces when I tell them we actually get surf in the UK I’d have a nice sports car sitting outside my house right now! For some reason it doesn’t occur to a lot of people that we might get surf. We live on an island after all! Obviously there are great distances around our coasts that don’t get even a ripple, but then there are some amazing breaks. The water is not as cold as some think and it doesn’t always rain! Although try telling that to Ekolu Kalama who spent 7 very wet days cruising the South Coast with me back in the summer! Like every surf nation busy line ups are a fact of life. Continue reading ‘Meet John Hibbard, Starboard’s Team Rider from UK’
December 15th, 2008 by evan

Here’s a short video of Dave Parmenter giving us the scoop on the new C4 9′9″ SUP board. Check it out.

(click thumbnail to launch video)
December 14th, 2008 by admin

This article originally appeared in –
Written by Sunrise on KGMB9 –
When he was 10 years old his stepfather took him to Waimea Falls. They climbed a cliff 60 feet up above the water and when his stepfather turned his head he jumped! You could say superstar surfer Laird Hamilton has always had an adventurous spirit. Today he joins us for a little less-dangerous chit-chat.
(click thumbnail to launch video)
For more information on Laird’s new book, check out his website:
December 14th, 2008 by evan

Here are some pictures I took of the Dennis Pang 12’6” race board which was made for Candice Appleby. I had to finish up and demo this board quickly so I could hand the board over to Reid Inouye from Heavy Water Magazine, who ended up buying it. I found out from Dennis that Reid’s 15′ race board is almost ready and the 17′6″ race board (Guy Pere’s one) is being prepped for demo.
Continue reading ‘Dennis Pang 12-6 SUP Racing Board’
December 12th, 2008 by evan

Here’s a video interview of Todd Bradley introducing the latest from C4 Waterman, the 9′3″ Sub – Vector, shaped by Dave Parmenter and Brian Kelana. Todd demos here their current short board offering for stand up paddle surfing which he said took most of its features from Dave’s original board design called “stub vector”. It’s interesting to know that this short board can actually take on big guys of up to 240 lbs.
Continue reading ‘C4 Waterman Sub Vector 9-3 SUP with Todd Bradley – Video’
December 11th, 2008 by evan

Here are some pictures and a short video clip from a SUP session from a while ago at Toes in Aina Haina. Kainoa B and crew were helping out some AccesSurf friends and teaching a few others how to SUP.
Sonny teaching a friend how to SUP for the first time
Continue reading ‘SUP at Toes with Kainoa and Sonny’
December 10th, 2008 by evan

Here’s the continuation of my Starboard SUP experience in Bangkok, Thailand. I was absolutely impressed with the R&D process at Starboard HQ. They can take any prototype on a test ride in the Bung (Lake) Taco cable park which is right next to the offices. I saw a couple of guys doing some test runs with cable wakeboarding /cable ski. Continue reading ‘My SUP experience at Bung Taco Cable Park in Bangkok Thailand’
December 8th, 2008 by evan

In follow up to my previous post, I was able to hook up with Joe Blair for an interview on his all new 12’6″ race board. He shared his philosophies on why the board works, why it’s so different than others and all in the normal Blair style. Check out the interview and hear more of his thoughts.
Continue reading ‘Joe Blair 12-6 – Interview’

Joe Blair 12-6 - Interview [7:44m]:
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Download December 6th, 2008 by admin

Those lucky enough to live in the islands have a chance to Win A Free C4 Board & Paddle courtesy of C4 Waterman, Boardworks Hawaii and Clear Channel Communications by entering at any of eight premier SUP shops: Blue Planet, Wet Feet, Hawaiian South Shore, Surf ‘N Sea, Hawaiian Watersports, Surf Garage, and Kimo’s Surf Hut.
Continue reading ‘Clear Channel Island 98.5 Enter to Win!’

C4 Waterman - Lanai 1 [0:28m]:
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C4 Waterman - Lanai 2 [0:28m]:
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C4 Waterman - Lanai 3 [0:30m]:
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