Wilson Home Paddle Play Day #2 Takapuna Boat Club 10am-1pm Sunday Jan 23rd



Giday, Aloha, Bonjour, Buon Giorno, Nee how, Ko nee Chee wah, Shalom, Oi, Szia,

Firstly to ALL the wonderful volunteers, mentors, coaches, sponsors and families who shared and supported our Inaugural PADDLE PLAY DAY for the children associated with the Wilson Home Trust, MAHALO (Thank You) . Attached are a selection of photos of the event, taken by Photographer Scott Sinton. More photos are available from www.wilsonhometrust.org.nz OR by contacting Sally King at the Wilson home OR Photographer Scott Sinton 021 55 23 98.

We look forward to seeing you ALL again at our 2nd event this Sunday 23rd January 10am till 1pm at the Takapuna Boating Club. Joining us this month will be Chris Smith and children from the Halberg Trust.

To those of you who are able to volunteer your time, to once again, ” Step Into Liquid… Play It Strange ” and enjoy a morning introducing S.U.P. to these especially wonderful kids, please email to tell us you’ll be there. If you have a Stand Up Board available to help coach a child, please bring it along. We will have Boogie Boards and Kayaks as well.

Parents and Care Givers, please bring wet suits and life jackets for your children if you have them. Thanks to the Takapuna Boating Club, hot showers, changing facilities & toilets are available at the Club. Thanks to some support from Hutchwilco we are able to supply over 1 dozen NEW life jackets.

We already have over 20 children signed up to Playticipate.

Let The Games Begin.

Aloha Oi.

Mark Jackson.

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