Ron House Stand Up Paddle Surf Board Catamaran (Standamaran) – Video


Ron House - stand up paddle surf board master shaper and personal shaper to Laird Hamilton

Ron House takes us around his shop and showcases his stand up paddle catamaran (Standamaran). The board is 14 feet long and has won most of the races it has been in, as he narrates in the video.

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Ron House: This is a catamaran – something I dreamed up to do for stand up and this is the first one I made. This is 14 feet long. It has won most of the races it has been in. Since then I made a 16-foot one and an 18-foot one.

Evan Leong: How fast can it go?

Ron House: In flat water you can paddle it maybe 6 or 7 knots.

Evan Leong: Is it good for downwinders?

Ron House: This is not. The cats down do well for downwinders because they tend to budge. But don’t get much downwinders here in California, we don’t get a whole lot of downhill swells so we’re generally paddling in maybe a little bit of lumpy water but that swell is big enough to ride. The coastal cruisers are much better for the downwinders like…

Evan Leong: What are these? These are the ones you’re riding or what?

Ron House: These are the coastal cruisers here – the orange one.

Evan Leong: Oh like the ones we saw upstairs.

Ron House: Right, that one is 14 feet I believe.

Evan Leong: …and this one right…

Ron House: That’s just a regular all-around board, that’s Sonny Miller’s board. That’s just here for repairs.

Evan Leong: Are these carbon? These black ones…

Ron House: No, they’re just black pigment. Those are for Herbie Flletcher – for a couple of friends of his who are artistic characters from New York and want something weird, and got it.

Evan Leong: So you’re just fixing up the…?

Ron House: Yeah, Sonny’s is in here for repairs. It has got a few holes in it. that orange one is here for repairs.

Evan Leong: Oh this one is kind of cool. This shows us what that glass looks like, huh?

Ron House: This is Drew’s art image here.

Evan Leong: So this is like a material…almost like a screen, huh?

Ron House: Yeah, it’s some kind of a (____) to run this stuff through. Drew has a lot of art images.

Evan Leong: It looks really…

Ron House: Here’s another one…

Evan Leong: It looks really cool on the board though. This looks almost see-through-ishnesque but once you get it on the board it looks almost painted, right?

Ron House: Yeah, once you get it on the board…it’s pretty close to Drew’s art. This one is kind of cool.

Evan Leong: That’s nice.

Ron House: Drew brought the art for…available for…

Evan Leong: It’s like a 2-for-1 right? Get a board and art…

Ron House: Yeah, it’s available at a reasonable price. Drew these days cost a lot of money to…

Evan Leong: What is that?

Ron House: Salt. Salt and resin, which is very good for traction and will definitely take your skin off.

Evan Leong: So you got to wear booties with that or something, or what?

Ron House: Yeah, you can get away without booties but if you fall down it will take the skin off your elbows and knees.

Evan Leong: Will it corrode? It’s almost feels like that stuff that is on the ground that makes it so that you don’t fall down.

Ron House: Well, it is. We just put a coat of resin on it and sprinkle table salt all over it. It makes a good…

Evan Leong: Hawaiian salt will just damage everybody Ron House.

Ron House: Popcorn salt is better. This is regular salt, it’s pretty gray. You actually can sand it just a little bit just to smooth it out because it is pointy. It will grind you up. The dark color underneath it is hemp. That was an inlay, which is this stuff right here.

Evan Leong: Hemp? Hemp inlay.

Ron House: Yeah, this is hemp. This is the stuff that turned real dark when it got on the board, but this is hemp.

Evan Leong: It’s kind of thick – that cloth that you’re putting on there, huh?

Ron House: This is from Rainbow Sandals. I just asked Sparky about this. I had a dream of putting hemp inlay on the deck of the board one night. And I told Sparky…

Evan Leong: Does it make it stronger? Because hemp is strong, right?

Ron House: Incredibly strong. Hemp and epoxy are so strong you can’t believe it.

Evan Leong: Do you use that instead of the glass?

Ron House: We replaced some of the glass. We put glass over it but I put a lot less on it because this stuff is stick and it got heavy. But I just put one layer hemp and one layer glass, on top of that thing, it was bullet proof. I’d like to try hemp…

Evan Leong: Try putting it on a paddle. It might be heavy though, huh?

Ron House: This stuff here is thick because it’s almost like hop sack. But if you get something like t-shirt material…

Evan Leong: A potato bag looking thing…

Ron House: Yeah, exactly. Rice bag. But if you can get a thinner weave like t-shirt material, I think will be pretty cool. This stuff absorbs a lot of resin so it’s a little bit scary. But it cam out really strong, cutting it with a blade is like trying to cut a sheet metal.

Evan Leong: Is that what is on this one or this one, or at the top?

Ron House: Top one…

Evan Leong: Top one. Oh underneath, huh?

Ron House: Yeah, it’s under the glass. The dark color is under the glass. The texture is a clear deal – it’s on top of it all.

icon for podpress  Ron House Stand Up Paddle Surf Board Catamaran (Standamaran) [4:50m]: Download
icon for podpress  Ron House Stand Up Paddle Surf Board Catamaran (Standamaran) [4:52m]: Download

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1 Response to “Ron House Stand Up Paddle Surf Board Catamaran (Standamaran) – Video”

  1. Bob 1Bob

    Great stuff Evan. Keep em coming.

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