Makai Softop 11 Ft Stand Up Paddle Surfboard at Wet Feet Hawaii – Video Preview


Wet Feet Hawaii Stand Up Paddle Surf Store

We get a short preview of the Makai Softop 11 Ft Stand Up Paddle Surfboard from the guys at Wet Feet. As we see on the video, the board has a soft deck ideally for people who are concerned about landing on the board hard or want something that is family and user-friendly.

The performance is manageable for a board of this type. I think this is good as an entry-level board.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

Wet Feet: This board is an 11-foot soft top, designed by Craig Hollingsworth in California. It’s called the Makai stand up, soft-top board; very user-friendly, good for folks who aren’t used to dealing with surfboards perhaps concerned about landing on the board hard or they want a board that is family and user-friendly.

Evan: What’s the response on something like this?

Wet Feet: More forgiving. It has been great. It’s a really good entry-level board. Craig Hollingsworth has done something interesting too with his finset up and then it’s a quad, which will help loosen it up. It’s not really a performance board but that will help in the performance.

Evan: Is it pretty stable?

Wet Feet: Yes, it is. The width really gives it some good stability.

Evan: So it’s just kind of a sheet – like a body board-type, not really a hard foam.

Wet Feet: Right. Sleek bottom like a body board. It actually has four stringers in it. Four PVC stringers so that adds…

Evan: Try to keep it from getting mushy.

Wet Feet: Right.

Evan: Kind of got a lot of nose rocker.

Wet Feet: Yeah, it has got some good kick in the nose.

Evan: Kind of cool.

icon for podpress  Makai Softop 11 Ft Stand Up Paddle Surfboard at Wet Feet Hawaii [1:20m]: Download
icon for podpress  Makai Softop 11 Ft Stand Up Paddle Surfboard at Wet Feet Hawaii [1:21m]: Download

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1 Response to “Makai Softop 11 Ft Stand Up Paddle Surfboard at Wet Feet Hawaii – Video Preview”

  1. CB1 1CB1

    What is the mid-width and the price point on these boards? If cheap enough, could be a great family/kids “play” board!

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