Bark Race SUP and F-18



I took this quick video after the July 4th Da Hui race of the new S.I.C. F-18 next to a Bark 17′6″. Both boards placed in the top so it was interesting to see their design differences.  Check out the video for a quick peek.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

See the difference:

bark-vs-f18-01     front view of the Bark SUP (left) and S.I.C F-18(right)

bark-vs-f18-02            shows the difference in the tail

bark-vs-f18-03            rear view of the boards with rudder systems on the F-18 and the tiller for Bark

bark-vs-f18-04            sharp pin tail for F-18 and Bark with cut-off tail

bark-vs-f18-05           smoother rails on the F-18 and sharper rails on the Bark SUP


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