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June 25th, 2008 by admin

Record High temperatures, raging fires and a pumping south swell did nothing to dissuade the largest group of participants to ever compete in the Seventh annual Surftech Jay Moriarity Memorial paddleboard race. Continue reading ‘Chad Carvin Wins 7th annual Surftech Jay Moriarity Memorial Paddleboard Race’
June 24th, 2008 by admin

Here’s an email from Ted of C4 Waterman on their Big Sur Run last 11-June-08. Looks like everyone had a good time.
Hello All,
Here is the preliminary debrief/after action report from the events of the 10/11 Jun 08; Dave is going to write a much more entertaining and articulate field report. Dave and I did not make the Demo on the 10th due to my flights that evening being cancelled; I made it home the evening of the 10th, then the next morning driving up to San Luis Obispo, arriving in time for breakfast at the Home of Aleutian Juice Surfboards.
Aleutian Juice Worldwide HQ
Continue reading ‘Big Sur Run 11-Jun-08′
June 22nd, 2008 by admin

Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series Scores Fun Queen’s
Continue reading ‘Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series #2′
June 21st, 2008 by admin

Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series Queen’s Contest On For The Weekend
Press Release
June 20th, 2008
Continue reading ‘Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series’
June 16th, 2008 by admin

(click thumbnail to launch video)
Here’s a video from a previous Surftech Jay Moriarty Memorial Paddleboard Race in Monterey Bay. Looks like a lot of fun.
Things are looking great for The 2008 Surftech Jay Moriarty Memorial Paddleboard Race to be held this Saturday June 21st. Kicking off at 8:00 am at New Brighton Beach in Santa Cruz, a forecast of sunny conditions along with small ground swell should offer incredible conditions to what is expected to be the largest group ever participating in the race! This year’s event marks the 7th year that the “Jay Race” has run in the beautiful Monterey bay. Continue reading ‘Surftech Jay Moriarity Memorial Paddleboard Race – Video’
June 15th, 2008 by admin

Tahoe Paddle & Oar Presents
1st Annual
Jam To The Dam
5 Mile Stand-Up Paddle Event
Carnelian Bay to Tahoe City
Saturday July 12, 2008
For Event Information: or call 530.581.3029
Sponsored by Surftech
June 12th, 2008 by admin

(click thumbnail to launch video)
Note: SUP segment starts at 1:53
Written by Liz Chun –
Stand up paddling is a combination of surfing and paddling. But it’s not just for elite athletes any more. There’s a new fitness routine for the sport, for anyone willing to try it.
Continue reading ‘Stand Up Paddling In Hawaii – KGMB9 Video’
June 8th, 2008 by admin

Here’s the latest from Tropical Blends

Continue reading ‘Tropical Blends Newsletter’
June 6th, 2008 by admin

C4 Waterman/Boardworks
Bob’s Mission Surf
Demo Day
Tourmaline Surf Park
Tuesday 10 June, 0800 to 1200
Continue reading ‘C4 Waterman/Boardworks Bob’s Mission Surf Demo Day’
June 5th, 2008 by evan

Check out Laird talking about stand up paddle surfing on Good Morning America. Laird states that if he could only do one sport it would be stand up paddling. He also wants to stand up paddle in a hurricane.

(click thumbnail to launch video)
June 4th, 2008 by evan

China’s 12th Annual Wahine Classic: June 7th, & 8th, 2008
Primo Hawaii Kai to Kaimana race for charity is on June 7.
Click Here for post
Soljah Presents
The Primo Stand Up Challenge
A benefit for Malama Maunalua
Saturday, June 7th, 2008
From Hawaii Kai to The Elk’s Club
June 3rd, 2008 by admin

Press Release
May 30, 2008
Surftech announced the re-launch of their website, designed to educate surfers and provide dedicated areas to Surftech’s involvement in a growing range of surf and action sports markets.
Continue reading ‘Surftech Launches New Website Featuring First Ever Surfboard Recommender!’
May 31st, 2008 by evan

Press Release May 31st, 2008
Honolulu, Hawaii-This weekend’s Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series event has been postponed and will be rescheduled for mid July. As of 5:30 A.M. H.S.T. there were absolutely no waves coming in to the Flies surf break at Kakaako Waterfront Park.
No waves are expected for the remainder of the weekend.
Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series Hotline: 808.262.8894
Media:Reid Inouye
May 30th, 2008 by evan

Press Release May 30, 2008
Honolulu, Hawaii-
Waves Permitting, Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series Event #2 Heads To Kakaako Waterfront Park
Waves permitting, the second event on the Steinlager Shaka Longboard Series is set to run this weekend, May 31st, June 1st at the spot known as “Flies” off the Kakaako Waterfront Park. Running on Saturday once again will be the pro longboard heats as well as the open standup paddle division.Should it go, you can pretty much assure the confidence level in the competitors will be high with cash prize money up for grabs in the pro division lead by Ikaika Kalama, winner of the first longboard event at Sunset Beach in April. Continue reading ‘Shaka Steinlager Contest May 31, 2008′
May 30th, 2008 by admin

C4 Waterman Field Report #0037
Where: Maunalua Bay, O’ahu
When: May 25th, 2008
What: 1st Annual Race For The Reef Paddling Fundraiser
Continue reading ‘1st Annual Race For The Reef Paddling Fundraiser’