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August 27th, 2008 by admin

Hello Everyone,
Hopefully those of you on Oahu got a chance to check out some of the action from this years Duke’s OceanFest that wrapped up this past Sunday. Competition took place for many of Duke Kahanamoku’s favorite water sports on the 118th anniversary of his birthday. The Great Hawaiian 105 KINE Luau went down early Saturday evening, which featured the music of Cecilio & Kapono and ono Hawaiian food.
Continue reading ‘Tropical Blends Newsletter 26 August 2008′
August 26th, 2008 by admin

Just a short video recapping the excitement of the SUP event held during the US Open this year.

(click thumbnail to launch video)
August 25th, 2008 by evan

Here’s a short video clip of some kids having fun stand up paddling at the Surf n Sea Demo day. They make it look so easy.

(click thumbnail to launch video)
August 25th, 2008 by admin

Surftech officially opened their Hawaii Showroom Friday August 15th at their new location in downtown Honolulu. In celebration of the inaugural venture, Surftech held a Private VIP Party for its Hawaiian retail partners, local industry and friends and family made up of many of the local surfers and shapers. Kicking off with a traditional Hawaiian ceremony including a blessing from Pohaku Stone, a kava ceremony and a contemporary champagne toast, the 250-330 attendees came from throughout the state. On Saturday, following Fridays’ party was the official public opening. Held in conjunction with the annual Duke Festival the opening included celebratory TL2 surfboards painted by local keikis as well as Hawaiian artists. The finished boards will be displayed at the local Outrigger hotels and Boardriders clubs.
Continue reading ‘Surftech Opens Showroom in Hawaii’
August 24th, 2008 by admin

This article was originally published by the Honolulu Advertiser –
By Dayton Morinaga
Advertiser Staff Writer
A lot of practice in little waves led to a big victory for Chuck Inman and Tiffany Rabacal.
nman and Rabacal won the Waikiki Sandbox Bar World Title of Tandem Surfing contest yesterday at Kuhio Beach, Waikiki.
The event is considered the world championship for the sport, and the best international teams competed this week.
Continue reading ‘Practice pays off with title for Hawaii duo’
August 24th, 2008 by evan

I finally did my first race yesterday and it was harder than I expected. The course was 10 miles from Hawaii Kai (start in front of Marshall Rose’s house) on the Koko Head side of the Koko Marina bridge, around the last green channel marker (blinkey), past Diamond Head, around a buoy set outside of Queen’s Surf and finish near the Beach Boy rental stands near the Duke Kahanamoku statue. The race was fun and I was pretty exhausted. Continue reading ‘Duke’s Oceanfest Hawaii Paddleboard Championships Saturday, August 23, 2008′
August 24th, 2008 by evan

Presented by Blue Planet
Part of the Annual Duke’s OceanFest, Waikiki, Hawaii Continue reading ‘WOMAN TAKES DOWN SEA OF MEN IN PRO STAND-UP PADDLE EVENT Candice Appleby Wins C4 Waterman/Honolua Surf Co Pro & Women’s’
August 22nd, 2008 by admin

This article was originally published by the Honolulu Advertiser –
By Dayton Morinaga
Advertiser Staff Writer
A year ago, there were 40 entries in a stand-up paddle surfing contest at Kuhio Beach, and almost all of them were professional surfers or experienced watermen.
At this week’s C4 Waterman/Honolua Surf Stand-Up Paddle Surfing contest at Kuhio Beach, there were more than 80 entries, including women, children and experienced businessmen.
Continue reading ‘Stand-up paddling in midst of popular boom’
August 22nd, 2008 by evan

Here’s a video of the boards available for everyone to try at the Surf n Sea Demo Day.

(click thumbnail to launch video)
August 20th, 2008 by admin

August 16th, 2008 by evan

Part 2 video of the Surf n Sea demo day.

(click thumbnail to launch video)
Continue reading ‘Surf n Sea Demo Day Video – Part 2′
August 14th, 2008 by evan

Sander from Surftech sent over these pics from the Outdoor Retailer Expo and demo day. I spoke with Joe Bark the other day and he was thrilled at the response from everyone. All in all, I hear it was a lot of fun and more proof that stand up paddling is here to stay. I wish I was there to try all the new stuff.
Continue reading ‘Outdoor Retailer Expo – Surftech Gear’
August 13th, 2008 by evan

Check out this video I took of the recent Surf n Sea demo day. The event was a huge success. A lot of people came and got to try out several boards from C4 Waterman, Surftech and Southpoint.

(click thumbnail to launch video)
Continue reading ‘Surf n Sea Demo Day Video – Part 1′
August 12th, 2008 by evan

This is a pretty funny event. What’s up with the kayak paddles?
The Surftech SUP gauntlet, the 4th stage of Transworlds Cali Rally is definitely a historic event. Ironically both something stand up paddle aficionado’s and haters alike should be able to appreciate!

(click thumbnail to launch video)