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December 21st, 2008 by evan

Coast Guard race sign in table and volunteers
The Coast Guard race had over 100+ entrants, one-man canoes, 6-man canoes, stand up paddlers and a few lie down paddleboarders. We started off at the Hawaii Kai boat ramp area in Maunalua Bay and I think it was a pretty open route. Once we actually ended up getting started, most of us just went straight across the bay towards Diamond Head. I was pretty surprised because Jeff Chang normally ditches me and blows me away. I think he’s normally at least 10, 15 or maybe even 20 minutes in front of me on comparable size boards.
Continue reading ‘Coast Guard November 2008 SUP Race’
December 18th, 2008 by admin

This article was originally published by The Calgary Herald. Read the original article here:
Pete Estabrooks
For The Calgary Herald
Thursday, December 18, 2008
There are few more invigorating ways to spend time than releasing yourself from the bonds of gravity flying across the body of water and frolicking a day away.
Maybe it’s an offshoot of the old “we’re composed mostly of water” theory or the idea that we all evolved from water creatures–or perhaps it’s just that increasing our sense of weightlessness that makes things so darn easy.
Continue reading ‘Got water? Try standup paddling’
December 17th, 2008 by admin

This article was originally published by The Australian. Read the original article here:,28124,24814211-5018061,00.html
Fred Pawle | December 17, 2008
The toy of this summer for anyone who loves the ocean and wants to stay fit is the stand-up paddle board. “It’s the fastest growing water sport in the world,” says Chris de Aboitiz of the Stand Up Paddle Surfing shop in Noosa, Queensland.
Continue reading ‘Take a stand for fun’
December 16th, 2008 by admin

If I had a £, $ or € for the predictable look of surprise on peoples faces when I tell them we actually get surf in the UK I’d have a nice sports car sitting outside my house right now! For some reason it doesn’t occur to a lot of people that we might get surf. We live on an island after all! Obviously there are great distances around our coasts that don’t get even a ripple, but then there are some amazing breaks. The water is not as cold as some think and it doesn’t always rain! Although try telling that to Ekolu Kalama who spent 7 very wet days cruising the South Coast with me back in the summer! Like every surf nation busy line ups are a fact of life. Continue reading ‘Meet John Hibbard, Starboard’s Team Rider from UK’
December 16th, 2008 by admin

Date: January 31, 2009 (13th Anniversary)
Host: Hanohano Outrigger Canoe Club
Presented by: Wahoo’s
Event: Open Ocean Canoe, Kayak, Paddleboard Race
“Hanohano Ocean Challenge”
Continue reading ‘Hanohano Ocean Challenge’
December 15th, 2008 by evan

Here’s a press release from Starboard regarding Ekolu Kalama’s movie project. I recently joined Ekolu for a SUP surf session 2 days before he left to shoot the pilot for this project. We were in double to triple overhead waves at Sunset Beach and I got some great video and pics…coming soon.
Ekolu Kalama signed with Starboard SUP in May 2008, he has since spent most of his time travelling across the globe either to participate in the biggest SUP races, or to find the most hardcore waves on this planet. Continue reading ‘Ekolu Kalama is filming for a SUP TV-pilot’
December 14th, 2008 by admin

This article originally appeared in –
Written by Sunrise on KGMB9 –
When he was 10 years old his stepfather took him to Waimea Falls. They climbed a cliff 60 feet up above the water and when his stepfather turned his head he jumped! You could say superstar surfer Laird Hamilton has always had an adventurous spirit. Today he joins us for a little less-dangerous chit-chat.
(click thumbnail to launch video)
For more information on Laird’s new book, check out his website:
December 6th, 2008 by admin

Those lucky enough to live in the islands have a chance to Win A Free C4 Board & Paddle courtesy of C4 Waterman, Boardworks Hawaii and Clear Channel Communications by entering at any of eight premier SUP shops: Blue Planet, Wet Feet, Hawaiian South Shore, Surf ‘N Sea, Hawaiian Watersports, Surf Garage, and Kimo’s Surf Hut.
Continue reading ‘Clear Channel Island 98.5 Enter to Win!’

C4 Waterman - Lanai 1 [0:28m]:
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C4 Waterman - Lanai 2 [0:28m]:
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C4 Waterman - Lanai 3 [0:30m]:
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Download December 4th, 2008 by admin


(click thumbnail to launch video)
Come out and volunteer helping people with disabilities and enjoy “A day at the beach”. Current and past AccesSurf volunteers are: Buttons, Dane Kealoha, Fred Hemmings, Jack McCoy, Garrett Mcnamara, Ikaika Kalama, Kainoa McGee, Freddy P, Jimmy Buffet, Robin Johnston and many more. AccesSurf meets the first Saturday of every month at Barber’s Point (White Plains Beach) on Oahu, Hawaii. We are in need of more volunteers because of it’s continued growth in Hawaii alone.
For more info, visit
December 3rd, 2008 by admin

This article was originally published on Star Bulletin:
By Rosemarie Bernardo – Star Bulletin
Surfing, move over. You’ve got some competition from another water sport.
The quest for fitness is driving the new worldwide popularity of stand-up paddling, enthusiasts and equipment retailers say.
Continue reading ‘Standing up for fitness’
November 26th, 2008 by evan

After finishing 4th at the recently concluded Molokai Paddleboard race, I had a chance to talk to Morgan Hoesterey, the only female paddler for the SUP solo unlimited division. Morgan said that her stint in this race was just to step up to the challenge; she never expected anything from it. Continue reading ‘Morgan Hoesterey: Female Stand Up Solo Unlimited Division of Quiksilver Edition Molokai Race’

Morgan Hoesterey: Female Stand Up Solo Unlimited Division of Quiksilver Edition Molokai Race [10:01m]:
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Download November 19th, 2008 by admin

Start: Nov 22 2008 – 8:00am
End: Nov 22 2008 – 9:00am
Timezone: ETC/GMT-10
Event Description:
The Holidays are around the corner and PA’A is getting ready for our upcoming racing season.
Continue reading ‘Saturday November 22, 2008 PA’A Race and Food Drive’
November 14th, 2008 by evan

Surftech had the grand opening for their retail location on Queen Street a while back and for some reason it got buried in a list of posts. They had a first class party with awesome food, music, drinks and industry heavies.
Continue reading ‘Surftech Hawaii Grand Opening’
November 13th, 2008 by admin

Here are the results for the Stand Up division of the U.S. Coast Guard MALAMA KA MEA HO`OPAKELE CANOE REGATTA held last Nov. 2, 2008 courtesy of Tad Tucker and Y2Kanu.
Continue reading ‘U.S. Coast Guard MALAMA KA MEA HO`OPAKELE – Race Results’
November 9th, 2008 by admin

By Stuart Murray
Inoke Tuhukava and Stuart Murray will attempt what has never been tried before. To complete the 111km overnight ultra-marathon paddle down the Hawkesbury River on November 1-2 2008. Although this is an established paddle race called the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic this is the first time Stand Up Paddlers have applied to be a part of the race which raises funds for the Arrow Bone Marrow Transplant Foundation.