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July 31st, 2009 by clarise

This article was originally published by the Honolulu Advertiser –
by Dayton Morinaga, Advertiser Staff Writer
Connor Baxter, 14, became the youngest paddler to complete the 32-mile Rainbow Sandals Moloka’i to O’ahu Paddleboard Race. Photo courtesy of
Bernie Baker/ Special to The Advertiser
At 5 feet 6 and 106 pounds, Connor Baxter is a little below average size for a 14-year-old.
But when it comes to ocean sports, he is way above average.
Baxter, a sophomore-to-be at King Kekaulike High on Maui, already has an impressive list of accomplishments in ocean sports that includes national and world championships in windsurfing.
His latest feat may be his greatest.
Continue reading ‘14-year-old from Maui makes paddling history’
July 27th, 2009 by clarise

Hawaii’s Kanesa Duncan Claims Women’s
Ekolu Kalama Takes Standup Honors
HONOLULU – (July 26, 2009) — For the eighth consecutive year, Australian Jamie Mitchell proved he’s light years and hard-earned miles ahead of his paddleboard peers, winning the 32-mile Rainbow Sandals Molokai to Oahu Paddleboard Race that is the unofficial world title of the sport. The toughest tidal conditions in years kept Mitchell from breaking the record he set in 2007, coming in 10 minutes slower today at four hours, 58 minutes and 25 seconds. His closest rival, Hawaii’s Brian Rocheleau, was more than 20 minutes behind at 5:20:53.
Above: Jamie Mitchell conquers crazy conditions off the cliffs of Oahu as he heads home for a win. Photo: Bernie Baker.
Continue reading ‘Mitchell Claims 8th Consecutive Rainbow Sandals Molokai To Oahu Paddleboard’
July 26th, 2009 by evan

I was at the finish line of the Molokai Race and the picture above, although blurry, says it all. Congratulations Ekolu on your win today!
I have a bunch of pictures and video (before my camera ran out of batteries) which I’ll post later. Here’s a few more from the winners.
Continue reading ‘Congratulations to the Molokai Racers!’
July 24th, 2009 by clarise

July 23, 2009 – Honolulu, HI – This Saturday Marine Artist and Waterman Hilton Alves, also the founder of the Surf Art Kids Project, will partner with Project Pure Light at its fundraising event at Don Ho’s Island Grill. The event will be held from 11:00 am till 3:00 pm and will benefit Project Pure Light. Hilton Alves will be putting the finishing touches an original paddling themed painting live, which will be auctioned off at the event. Linking art with social responsibility, Alves will be donating half of all art proceeds of the day to Project Pure light including proceeds from the original art piece auction. Tickets to the event will be available at the door for $25 dollars and all are welcomed to the event.
Continue reading ‘Hilton Alves Partners with Project Pure Light at Saturday Fundraising Event’
July 24th, 2009 by clarise

Molokai Community Service Council & Na Kama Kai Receive Donations
HONOLULU – (July 23, 2009) – California businessman Jay Longley Jr., founder of Rainbow Sandals out of San Clemente, demonstrated that aloha comes from the Mainland, too, when he made financial and product donations to two worthy Hawai’i charities today: the Moloka’i Community Service Council and Na Kama Kai.
Above: Molokai Youth say “mahalo” for the support of Rainbow Sandals.
Continue reading ‘San Clemente’s Rainbow Sandals Makes Donations to Hawaii Charities’
July 23rd, 2009 by clarise

This email was sent to us by Kanalu.
Aloha kakou a pau,
Asking you guys to come out and support the effort – read below. I attached our pledge form or you can go to ; pass it on if you are inclined to do so.
In the way of Pohaku, he’s made the 11th hour decision to turn his paddle across the Ka Iwi Channel (Molokai Channel) as an unofficial entrant in the Rainbow Sandals Molokai to Oahu Paddle Board Race on July 26, 2009 (unofficial b/c the race organizers don’t have a wood board class). Now don’t get me wrong on the 11th hours stuff – only the brilliant idea to turn this into a fundraiser is new. He’ll be raising funds for Punana Leo o Kamakau, Kanalu (Pohahku’s non-profit), and Na Kama Kai (non-profit of Duane Desoto).
Continue reading ‘Molokai-Oahu Rainbow Sandals Paddleboard Race’
July 23rd, 2009 by clarise

Congratulations to Starboard team rider, Ekolu Kalama for sweeping the grand prize in the pro sprint and distance races of the JEVER SUP World Cup 2009 in Hamburg, Germany. He brought home the goods in both the 200 meter sprint and the 10,000 meter distance race. Now Ekolu has the official title as 2x “World Champion!”
Continue reading ‘Ekolu Kalama Dominates the JEVER SUP World Cup 2009, Hamburg’
July 23rd, 2009 by clarise

Congratulations to the winners of the Naish 4th Annual Maui Iinternational Paddleboard Championships held Sunday, July 12, 2009 from Maliko Gulch to Kahului Harbor.
AWARDS LIST: Standup Unlimited
Continue reading ‘Naish 4th Annual Maui International Paddleboard Championships Race Results’
July 22nd, 2009 by clarise

Corporate Execs and Recreational Athletes Challenge the Pros in Run, Ocean Swim and Paddle Events
WHAT: H2O Audio, the leader in high-performance waterproof headphones and accessories for active people everywhere, is proud to be the title sponsor of the 2nd Annual Surf Monkey Challenge, an innovative endurance-sport crossover event that brings fitness enthusiasts and world class athletes together for an exciting day of races, music and beach activities.
Continue reading ‘H2O Audio Announces 2nd Annual Surf Monkey Competition To Take Place Saturday, August 8th in Oceanside, California’
July 20th, 2009 by clarise

Here’s a first hand recount of the JEVER SUP from the Pro division’s distance and sprint 3rd placer, John Hibbard. Read on…
Starboard’s John Hibbard beaming with pride
Photo courtesy of HOCHZWEI
“When someone told me there was a race event going on in Germany I was expecting some small fry event with a few people. I could not have been more wrong. Arriving at the event after driving across England, catching a ferry to France and then driving across France, Belgium, Holland and finally Germany I was blown away by the size of the thing. A tented event village with hotdog stands, mobile beer sellers and 20,000+ spectators this event was something else. The whole race area was wired for sound and a mix of pumping tunes and commentary boomed around this man made canal basin that had been turned into a SUP Stadium! Continue reading ‘John Hibbard on JEVER SUP World Cup Hamburg 2009′
July 18th, 2009 by evan

Reid Inouye from StandUp Paddle Magazine sent over some exclusive previews of the second issue. These print publications keep on getting better and better and I already read the mag cover to cover twice in one day. I love this stuff and please keep it coming. Continue reading ‘StandUp Paddle Magazine Volume 2 Sneak Peek’
July 17th, 2009 by evan

Here’s the info for the bags straight from Mark Raaphorst:
Aloha Everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that our custom F-14 SIC Travel board bags have arrived. If anyone is interested please let us know. Continue reading ‘F-14 Travel Bags’
July 17th, 2009 by clarise

27.000 spectators at the JEVER SUP World Cup Hamburg – Hawaiian and German are winner of the professional race
Hamburg, 12th of July 2009 27.000 spectators, 143 participants, six proud winners, a lot of new infected Stand Up Paddler, an easy going surf atmosphere amidst the Hamburg HafenCity, high spirited after show party’s, action on the water of the Elbe and a lot of fun – short, the JEVER SUP World Cup Hamburg 2009 was a thorough success. Thereto Matthias Neumann, CEO of the organizing agency ACT AGENCY: “We look back at three great event days, with a fabulous feedback of spectators. The actives were excited and would love to have more events in this new trend sport on such a high level. In the new city district, the HafenCity, we found a perfect location and we definitively want to come back with the JEVER SUP World Cup next year.” Continue reading ‘JEVER SUP World Cup 2009 – Race Recap’
July 14th, 2009 by clarise

A 30 Mile Marathon Standup Paddle to Help Support Christopher’s Haven
We are pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Cape Cod Bay Challenge Event. On August 15, 2009, a small group of stand-up paddle surfers will attempt a grueling marathon paddle across Cape Cod Bay from Plymouth to Provincetown. Each has trained for months to prepare for this event to raise money to help these kids deal with a devastating challenge. Standup Paddlers from as far as Illinois, California, Hawaii and the UK are coming out to show their support for this the longest event of its kind on the east coast. Continue reading ‘The 2009 Cape Cod Bay Challenge’
July 12th, 2009 by clarise

July 10, 2009 – Kahuku, HI – According to Merriam-Webster, passion can be defined as “intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction or a strong liking” or “desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.” Hilton Alves exudes passion for both SUP and art and the two together are the genre of his life. As an artist and waterman, Hilton Alves has long been a lover of the sea, the sheer beauty of ocean life and water sports. This love is expressed through a series of paintings about SUP, surf, marine life, perfect waves, seascapes, and others.
Continue reading ‘Passion for Stand Up Paddling Shines Through Art at Haleiwa Arts Festival’