11 year old Luciana downwinding Lake Washington on her new custom Bullet 11



Great Video of 11 year old Luciana downwinding on Lake Washington with family and friends! Spring 2015.

The following is a great recap from her Dad…

Great 5+ mile downwinder from the mouth of the cedar river to Enetai park on a custom 11′ x 24″ SIC Bullet using a Werner Prodigy paddle.

We started out paddling through the mouth of the river then under the Renton airport overpass…. the first mile was fairly flat which is typical, then the swells started to build so she switched out to paddling on her knees… Once she started feeling comfortable catching them on here knees she graduated to standing and paddling, ….then paddling in a surf stance! She went full circle in such a short period of time. I was soo proud of her!

Special thanks goes out to Joel Yang and Coli from Village of Stoke for keeping us company out there, it was also great to see you two DW tandem next to us ….that brings on a whole new set of skills I don’t even want to think about :)
All in all a GREAT day!

I still remember the excitement when I caught my first glides… My mind was on overload processing all sorts of things…like were do I stand? when do I step back ? what happens when the nose goes under water?… Sure I fell a few times and still do but thats all part of the excitement of downwinding and in a short period of time it all came together and I was hooked :)

Congratulations Luciana, you are an official ‘Downwind Warrior’!

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