Georges Cronsteadt Wins Air France Paddle Festival



Last weekend Georges Cronsteadt took charge of the Air France Paddle Festival in front of all of his friends and family in Tahiti in the 24km Elite SUP Race. The 24km Elite Race Course was tough to say the least. The race began at Mahina (Pointe Vénus) with a downwind paddle which was definitely “difficult to navigate on a flatwater race board” said Georges. The race then led into the same course as the 9.5km Lagoon Course which allowed for the flatwater portion of the race up until the finish at Punaauia (Taapuna).

The competition was fierce between the athletes as Tahiti is known to breed some of the best paddlers in the world. That being said, it was no surprise that the Tahitian Beast himself, Georges Cronsteadt, took home the victory after a solid showing and leading throughout the entire 24km Elite race course.



Close behind behind him throughout the majority of the race, it was young Tahitian Rete Ebb who challenged Cronsteadt for the top spot finishing behind him by less than one minute. Ebb looked strong throughout the entire race but was unable to catch Cronsteadt who was on fire and unstoppable.

Georges looks strong and ready to go head-to-head with the World’s best this weekend as he will head with the rest of the SIC Maui team to North Carolina to compete in one of the biggest races of the year.

Congrats Georges and good luck this weekend!

To read a full recap of the Air France Paddle Festival, check out gallery and recap via:

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