Georges Cronsteadt Wins In New Zealand


By: Allie Brown


SIC Maui Global Team Rider Georges Cronsteadt dominated over the weekend with a win in Auckland, New Zealand at the Jett City Surf Series event #10. With close to 50 participants, Georges was able to come in on top over the rest of the field.

Georges was satisfied with his performance in the race saying, “Yes, it is good for this first release in overtime. With the absence of the tenors of the discipline I had no right to a 2nd or 3rd place. The water is icy, the wind has been quite this ¾ face, with a small section in ‘downwind’. The total distance was 5-6 km in three rounds with so many turns to negotiate, which is the characteristic of the beach race, so this was a long sprint quite technical.

We’re stoked to have our Tahitian Beast taking Top Honors at this event. Check out a few of the photos from the weekend below.




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