Interview with Scott Trudon at the 2012 Molokai 2 Oahu Paddleboard Championships



As I was leaving the finish, I ran into Scott Trudon who gave me some insight into his race experience at the 2012 Molokai 2 Oahu Paddleboard Championships. Scott competed in the SUP 3-man division with teammates Mark Raaphorst and Junya McGurn. Mark is the mind and energy behind the SIC brand of race boards and these guys are in great shape. Scott told he he’s 54 years old but you would never be able to tell that when racing him because he’s still so darn fast and he’s still in top athletic shape.

That’s one thing that is amazing about this sport is the fact that there are so many people over the age of 50 that are in great physical and athletic condition and still are competitive against all levels. That’s also the frustrating part about this because even though I’m still under 40 (at least for a few more months) I can’t even get close to guys like Scott in a race. Check out the short interview I shot with him below.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

molokai2oahu-2012-11 Scott racing to the finish line with a paddleboarder

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