Planet Sun Sport Report 2010 XTERRA World Championships


Planet Sun Hawaii

The XTERRA World Championships is truly a magical thing. The vibe, the people, the power, the earth, the challenge all wrapped into a 1 mile swim, 20 mile bike and 7.5 mile run- in the lava and dirt. I will come out of character here to tell you that this “experience” is atop the world’s greatest sporting venues. The Olympics, Tour de France, Masters, etc.. just don’t have the same rock-n-roll. The slopes of Volcano Haleakalā- the beauty and lactic acid build can make you cry. The people- humble, but show them respect… athletes conditioned beyond other sport, former olympians, cross-over pros, and masters who made the sport, there to support and guide (homage to Welchie, Whit Raymond) No better earthly place to test yourself or your stuff-it is hard. No one leaves McKenna’s shores without bettering themselves, an overdose of endorphins and the resolve to return. Planet Sun proud to be a part of it.



….All said,
Shonny Vanlandingham did it. The lady is the 2010 XTERRA World Champion. After three years as the USA champion, she now bears the World Title It all reads like a classic… someone start writing now: Perseverance, poise, beauty, what does being 41 have years old to do with anything, KICKS ASS. Shonny V beat the best out there, and most of the guys too. All the splits and stats are published- be amazed. Beyond race prowess, Shonny shined as an Ambassador of Goodness- racing for Breast Cancer Awareness and finding time to inspire youth. Pics attached capture it all.




Planet Sun’s Amy Eck and Trish Havey competed superbly as well. Amy returned late season, unreal and race ready, after breaking most of her shoulder earlier this year. Trish smoked the swim as always, thwarted by flats on bike-but finishing strong and smiles.



Planet Sun Formulation Two sunscreen- Validated.
Of major significance too, was Planet Sun’s mission in providing suncare at the event. No joke here- if you stuff don’t work at this one, you will hear about it for a long time. We are relieved, bewildered and pumped to tell you that our new Zinc based Formulation 2 Sunscreen performed superbly. Planet Sun was afforded the opportunity to stage just outside of body marking, where Mr. Sunshine and a band of much smarter/better looking assistants, hands- on- applied our sunscreen to the bodies of several hundred competitors. Attached pics show the joy. Also, with science in mind, we identified a number of competitors with type 1 skin (burn easy) to evaluate before and after event skin conditions. Post race results were outstanding. Aside from our evaluations, countless competitors stopped by with praise of no little or no “dermis damage” and happy skin. All a relief to us, considering race conditions, duration and the environment the athletes were in.






More visual record of the experience can be found here:

Off slope of Haleakalā and Maui… Bob Fewell, our Big Island Rep, is hard at work and adventure.
Bob recently tackled the Honolulu Century Ride, and non-stop supporting sport events on the big isle. A pic of Bob and Bike and Planet Sun Sleeves. To get a hold of the good Planet Suncare gear on the Big Isle… contact Bob at:



On the Horizon. The multi-sport season and suncare support never stops.
30 OCT: Na Kama Kai Ocean Clinic and OXBOW Long Board World Championships. Makaha Beach, Oahu

Please stay tuned and check us out at on FaceBook at:
Our products and places:

John O’Malley
President, Chief Motivator and Inspirator
Planet Sun Comprehensive Sun care and UV Protection
ph: 808 372-6018
fax: 808 254-4110

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