Kaipo Guerrero’s Interview with Todd Bradley at Battle of the Paddle Hawaii 2010



I was walking by the live interviews at the Hawaii Battle of the Paddle 2010 when I saw Kaipo Guerrero interviewing Todd Bradley from C4. They were reminiscing about the early days of stand up paddling. I thought I’d video the interview too and here it is:

(click thumbnail to launch video)

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2 Responses to “Kaipo Guerrero’s Interview with Todd Bradley at Battle of the Paddle Hawaii 2010”

  1. Paul Alferez 1Paul Alferez

    Aloha, Mahalo’s Kaipo for a job well-done in covering Duke’s Oceanfest and Battle of the paddle recently. Very exciting and interesting as you keep the public aware on current events. Kaipo’s very talented, former state champion surfer, one of the top stand-up surfer, respected by local waterman around Hawaii. Someday we will see Kaipo doing coverage on ESPN Ocean Sports.

  2. Artie Castro 2Artie Castro

    Kaipo is a first class guy! Whether it is on the snow or water! He did a great job at Duke’s Oceanfest and is doing a great job at the Battle of the Paddle here in SoCal. See you soon Kaipo!

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