Humpback Whale Sighting



In early February 2010, I planned to go on a downwinder with some friends. This was the Sunday after the Punahou carnival so I wanted to work off some of the calories I took in from the carnival. Yes, I ate way too many malasadas. We met at 8 am and got skunked by the wind so it became a no winder distance paddle. Flat water paddling feels like slow motion and it was pretty hot and sunny. As you can see in the pics, the water was really nice and had a glistening effect from the sun.

The surprise of the day was when a couple whales popped up in front of us. I was able to shoot a few pictures and a quick video and then we paddled away from them. The last time I saw a whale during a paddle was when it was shooting air out of its spout and flapping its tail. That one scared the daylights out of me and I raced to get away quick. This time the whales were just cruising and it was really cool to see them relaxed.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

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1 Response to “Humpback Whale Sighting”

  1. randy 1randy

    that’s pretty cool, Ev. funny how you always see the animals when going downwind. give you credit for dunking underwater to get that shot.

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