Duke’s OceanFest 2009 Paddleboard Race


Here’s a delayed update from the Duke’s OceanFest 2009 SUP Race held last August 23-29.  I was pretty excited for this race and trained for it by paddling a few downwinders a week.  Last year’s conditions provided winds that seemed under 10 mph and I wasn’t sure what the tide was.  My time to finish last year was 1:55 so I thought that if I could get anywhere between 1:40 to 1:45 I would be doing fine.  What I didn’t realize, is how much better the competition would get.

I didn’t get much video from this one but I’m sure someone else did. I was pretty focused on the race and doing my best.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

This year my brother decided to race with us and wanted to use my F-14 so I raced on the F-18 which turned out to be the right board for the day.  The wind was pretty consistent around 15 mph or so and we got a good tide.  The SIC crew and Mark Raaphorst flew over for this race and then left to the event in Holland.

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-01 My brother meeting Mark Raaphorst

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-02 Darin Leong, Harris Chang, Randy Lui-Kwan, Mark Raaphorst

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-03 Slater and Tanner Trout

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-04 Scott Nagasawa, DJ

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-05 Waiting

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-06 The younger racers

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-08 Shaka

The course was around 9.5 miles.  There were 2 buoys to go around, one at the beginning (blinker) and the other a hundred yards or so outside of the Duke statue.  Getting out to the blinker buoy is easy.  Rounding the finishing buoy is a chore.

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-13 Race course

It wouldn’t be a race in Hawaii without Sam Pa’e.  I have to get a picture of him at every race now.

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-20 Sam Pa’e

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-22 Race briefing

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-24 Participants

dukes-oceanfest-2009-race-25 getting ready for the race

For some reason, I was really nervous during this race.  It also could be due to the caffeine I consumed in the morning since I normally don’t drink coffee.  I don’t know why, but my legs were shaking a bit and it was throwing off my balance.  I fell at least 5 times during the race.  My last fall was the worse one bc I was so tired by then that it was really hard to get back up.  That’s pretty sad for a short race.  It’s not like this was the Molokai Channel.  I was kinda disappointed with the falling.

For about 3/4 of the race I managed to stay with Doug Lock.  I’m not really sure how that’s possible, especially since I paddled with Doug a few days before the race and he was 20 minutes ahead of me.  Doug was paddling a 12′6″ board and I was on an 18′er.  The big difference is that I was paddling as hard as I could to keep up with him and it looked like he wasn’t even paddling at all.  Around Tongg’s I fell and he pulled ahead.  That’s when I decided to take a different route.

Since the wind was blowing pretty strong that day I had the strategy to cut inside around Outrigger Canoe Club and hug the shore so that the wind would be blocked by the buildings.  That was a bad move.  I should have stayed on course.

The thing that blew me away was that I paddled a personal record time at 1:34.  I beat my last year’s time by 21 minutes and still placed 43rd overall.  Before I started beating myself up though, I realized that this was my best time so far and I should be ok with it.

The winner, Scott Gamble finished in 1:25…unreal.  He beat Guy Pere’s 2008 time by 12 minutes.  Awesome!

Although the race was fun, I somehow hurt my shoulder and had to rest a few days.  I’m back in action now and need to get out there and get better.

Duke’s OceanFest Paddleboard Race Results:

MALE STAND-UP Less than 12.6 ft

11HawaiiUsKIMO MIRANDA1:25:32
298DOUG LOCK1:32:48
3142ERIC OLSEN1:39:47
455HawaiiUsJEREMIAH WOZNICK1:44:04
659SAM PAE1:52:18
761HawaiiUsSHANE SAKAI1:52:35
852SHANE OYAMA1:52:50
1057HawaiiUsJUSTIN BEYERS1:55:37
1154HawaiiUsCHAD BURGHER1:57:21
1219HawaiiUsMICHAEL KUAKINI1:58:28
139JEFF THOMAS2:01:21
1471HawaiiUsALIKA COSNER2:06:55
15119CURTIS MILLER2:13:29
1664HawaiiUsROBERT NORTON JR.2:21:12
1760MICAH LIANA2:33:03

MALE STAND-UP Less than 14.6 ft

177TODD BRADLEY1:24:10
2100HawaiiUsJERRY BESS1:25:00
3122SEPA NAPOLEON1:25:01
469HawaiiUsDAVE PARMENTER1:25:07
8113FranceLEROY RICO1:29:54
968HawaiiUsARCHIE KALEPA1:32:31
1030NswAustraliaSIMON DODD1:32:35
11112KAIPO GUERRERO1:32:52
1239SCOT MCPHAIL1:33:27
1351HawaiiUsCARLOS GILLIS1:35:47
1456HawaiiUsROSS KOIZUMI1:35:49
1520HawaiiUsRAY SHIRAISHI1:36:03
174DARIN KOHARA1:37:04
1837JOHN DEMARCO1:38:10
1991HawaiiUsBRAD FELDMAN1:39:36
2072HawaiiUsSTUART NAKATA1:42:33
2175ERROL KANEZ1:43:09
2262HAROLD IGGY1:43:39
2448HawaiiUsBYRON VALDEZ1:44:37
2549DAMON ANCHETA1:47:07
2650HawaiiUsSCOTT NAGASAWA1:47:35
2753HawaiiUsKALANI KAHALIOUMI1:49:20
2865TONY MONIZ1:49:45
2983Puerto RicoJAIME TORRES1:51:23
3038TIM BRANDON1:52:18
3188DARIN LEONG1:55:10
32125JEFF HARRIS2:03:12

FEMALE STAND-UP Less than 14.6 ft

246HawaiiUsREBECCA JAKEWAY1:39:50
3123DONNA BABOME1:41:35
621LYNDA LIM2:03:33
76HawaiiUsSHARON STEHLIK2:20:00

MALE STAND-UP More than 14.6 ft

1143SCOTT GAMBLE1:15:26
341HawaiiUsSCOTT TRUDON1:18:27
512HawaiiUsL MENELAU1:21:01
611HawaiiUsROBERT STEHLIK1:22:39
742JEFF CHANG1:26:36
9116NORM BRADLEY1:30:05
10110BLACK ABRAHAM1:31:10
1187HawaiiUsEVAN LEONG1:33:53
1284HawaiiUsKEVIN SEID1:36:11
1366HawaiiUsHILTON ALVES1:40:12
14102HERBIE TITCOMB1:41:46
1580HawaiiUsREID INOUYE1:42:21
1658ALIKA WILLIS1:45:37
1790RANDAL LUI-KWAN1:48:57
1867AustraliaRICHARD FINLAY-JONES1:51:55
1989HARRIS CHANG1:58:41

FEMALE STAND-UP More than 14.6 ft

185HawaiiUsANDREA MOLLER1:28:29
3114KATIE SLOCUMB1:48:05
445HawaiiUsMARY JO GUMBERT1:50:03

MALE STAND-UP 19 years & Younger

114HawaiiUsCONNOR BAXTER1:24:20
222HawaiiUsSLATER TROUT1:24:27
37HawaiiUsZAME SCHWEITZER1:30:12
429HawaiiUsBERND ROEDIGER1:31:52

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