Himalayas and Polluted Water



I took the video and these pictures last New Year’s eve on the North Shore after heavy rainfall. You’ll notice from the pictures here how gross the water looks.

himalayas_with_jeff_harris_and_polluted_water-06.jpg     The chocolatey North shore water after the rains.

This is what happens when you have surface run off coming from inland and running straight into the ocean without being treated. There’s also a possibility of getting leptospirosis. I probably should not have gone because I get sick with this kind of water.

himalayas_with_jeff_harris_and_polluted_water-02.jpg          I cut my leg while in the water.

I cut my leg during the run and I was worried about getting infected in that gross water, but it didn’t.

Right after I went there, since we stayed up late for New Year’s eve to celebrate, I got sick the next day, which went on for two or three weeks. For one week, I was bed ridden. I had a lot of meetings that I had to go to, but when the meetings were over, there would be days when I would fall asleep at 3:00 in the afternoon all the way to the next morning.

himalayas_with_jeff_harris_and_polluted_water-07.jpg         My first time on the C4 Waterman 9’3” Sub Vector.

Other than the murky water, the condition was perfect. It was glassy, the waves were at least head high and it was the first time that I tried the C4 Waterman 9’3” Sub Vector. I thought it worked out great, had a lot of drive, it was fast, turned better than I expected.

(click thumbnail to launch video)

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1 Response to “Himalayas and Polluted Water”

  1. Randall Barna 1Randall Barna

    Becoming sensitive to water quality is one of the benefits to stand up paddling. The cause and effect of inland water run-off polluted from agricultural, industrial or just plain old dirty city streets running right into the ocean, rivers or lakes is obvious.
    Randall Barna

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