Sandwich Island Composites Visit



I thought I had more pictures but I guess I didn’t take enough during my visit of Mark Raaphorst’s Sandwich Island Composites. I did get a few pictures of interesting gadgets I saw. Mark is definitely a little bit mad scientist and has a number of practical uses for stuff that others may throw away. His leash for his dog “Patch” is an old surfboard leash. They also have fiberglass custom toilet seats. Sorry, two pics I didn’t seem to get.

Here are the pics that I did get:

sic-visit-08.jpg       Outside view of Sandwich Island Composites and The Ding King


sic-visit-07.jpg        This way to The Ding King


sic-visit-12.jpg          “Patch” the dog – Are those bottle caps on his collar?


sic-visit-10.jpg          Have a seat…surf chair


sic-visit-13.jpg        Side view of surf chair


sic-visit-15.jpg      Surf strap buckle attached directly to truck (this was very handy)


sic-visit-16.jpg         Mark Raaphorst in business mode


sic-visit-02.jpg       Cell phone mount (made of velcro)


sic-visit-05.jpg          Shaping area with Richard


sic-visit-06.jpg      Finishing area with new toys


sic-visit-14.jpg          Donna Badome keeping everything in order


sic-visit-03.jpg        S.I.C. Truck


sic-visit-01.jpg        Cup holder made out of scrap carbon

I’ll get more pics on my next visit. Hopefully Maliko will be good at that time.

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