SUPAH Distance Paddling Clinics

Stand Up Paddle Association of Hawaii (SUPAH)Wet Feet HawaiiC4 Waterman

SUPAH Distance Paddling Clinics

Presented by the Stand Up Paddle Association of Hawaii (SUPAH)
an independent non profit organization whose mission is to promote SUP distance paddling, SUP etiquette, and SUP community service events.

Clinic Schedule:
1/24/09 Paddling Technique 1
2/21/09 Paddling Technique 2
3/7/09 Open Ocean Paddling and Bump Riding, Ocean Safety
4/18/09 Equipment and Mock Race
5/16/09 Hawaii Kai to Kaimana Run and Graduation Party

Instructors will be Todd Bradley, Aaron Napoleon, Guy Pere, Morgan Hoesterey, Kainoa Beaupre, Doug Lock and others. Clinics are scheduled on the Saturdays when SUP races are not scheduled. There will be an opportunity to race and car pool with the group at organized events on the other weekends. Clinics will start at 7:30am and go for 3 hours. The format will include instruction and individual coaching along with the opportunity to try various race boards or use your own. All ocean paddling will be escorted. Location will be at Maunalua Bay in Hawaii Kai. Cost is $50 per session or $200 for 5 sessions. Payment can be made at Wet Feet or at the start of any session. Cost includes daily refreshments, paddle shirt, safety whistle, and other goodies. Participants must be 15 years or older. Under 18 must be accompanied by an enrolled adult. Call 255-6255 or 277-5442 for more information.

Click here to download the application form

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4 Responses to “SUPAH Distance Paddling Clinics”

  1. Edmund Pestana 1Edmund Pestana

    Events are “manawale’”,
    gratis, to persons who want to learn on their Naish SUP boards.
    Race and Surf Safely.
    Schedule pending.
    Edmund Pestana

  2. DW 2DW

    I don’t understand the comment above.

    Anyway, the wife and I will be at the first clinic on the 24th.

  3. Evan Leong 3evan

    DW – I think he meant that if you’re riding Naish boards that it will be free.

  4. Evan Leong 4evan

    DW has a great blog post sharing his experience at the SUPAH clinic here

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