Ekolu Kalama is filming for a SUP TV-pilot


Here’s a press release from Starboard regarding Ekolu Kalama’s movie project. I recently joined Ekolu for a SUP surf session 2 days before he left to shoot the pilot for this project. We were in double to triple overhead waves at Sunset Beach and I got some great video and pics…coming soon.

Ekolu Kalama signed with Starboard SUP in May 2008, he has since spent most of his time travelling across the globe either to participate in the biggest SUP races, or to find the most hardcore waves on this planet. He is one of these characters that is full of positive energy and is spreading his good vibe not only through his passion for the water, but also through his music. Next year will take a little different slant for Ekolu as he is just about to finish a pilot for an SUP TV series. We caught up with Ekolu to see what the project is actually about.

What is the Ohana Project?
Ohana first of all means, “family” in the Hawaiian language. The Ohana Project is a non-profit liaison that inspires and assists individuals, groups, and corporations by giving help in any possible way we can help. It accomplishes this by connecting social innovators with humanitarian causes and packages the results for immediate exposure in mainstream media. Eventually we would like to see everyone become a part of our Ohana Project.

Who are you working with?
The founders of the Ohana Project are myself, John Perell, and Scott Mortensen. We will be the core of the project but will be working with a lot of partners and “Ohana” members.

Are you making a pilot for a Stand-Up movie?
Yes. Our show is called “A Stand-Up World” and I would like to see it become a television series. If a network doesn’t purchase it then we are going to make it a 2 hour movie. For now, I will speak this into existence and say that the pilot for our weekly television series will be released Jan. 1st 2009. It is getting a lot of support already and I imagine it will sell rather quickly.

What destinations are you going to for shooting?
Our first two destinations, episode one, is going to turn the world on its ear! We are headed to the Roatan Bay Islands, Honduras, where our main task will be to dig a fresh water well which will provide drinking water to an entire village. Our second destination will be in El Salvador where I will be performing a benefit concert for Libras De Amor, an organization that helps fight malnourishment in that country as well as other Central American countries. Two years ago I played in a similar concert and raised $1500 for that organization. My hour and a half of music was enough to feed 24 people for one full year! This year we are going to do better than that and are hoping to feed twice as many people. At every destination we will be teaching the locals how to stand-up paddle and will be leaving stand-up boards and paddles as tokens of goodwill.

What other Stand-Up Paddlers will we see in this movie?
You never know who will show up as a special guest on our weekly series so you have to tune in. We have a lot of support and everyone wants to be a part of “A Stand-Up World” and “The Ohana Project”. It?s not strictly for stand-up paddlers but for anyone who wants to stand-up and help out. We have a long list of musicians, watermen, professional athletes, celebrities, and even the U.S. President elect, Barak Obama, will be making an appearance or two.

Your willingness for helping other people is quite remarkable. Have you made any other charity foundations in the passed?
I’ve worked with charities before but this is the first charity that I’ve actually started.

Thanks a lot Ekolu, we whish you the best of luck for your project. If anyone would like to be a part of A Stand-Up World and The Ohana Project or would like to remain up to date with our happenings, you can visit our website at www.astandupworld.com. “I’m in…..are you in?”

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