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April 30th, 2008 by evan

I first got a chance to ride the Surftech Takayama 10’7” stand up board in Maui at Pono Bill’s board test. I think we were among the first people to ride it in the world which was nice. The first day I only had about 20 minutes on it in knee high surf so I couldn’t tell if it was good or not. It paddled fine and I did notice that from the nose I could control it on the wave better than I thought.
Continue reading ‘Surftech Takayama Alii 10-7′
April 28th, 2008 by admin

(click thumbnail to open html flyer)
April 27th, 2008 by admin

Here’s an update on the 2008 Hennessey’s Events:
Hennessey’s River Run
Friday, May 2nd from Laughlin to Needles, Nevada
Info and entry forms are posted on the Hennessey’s website or email
April 25th, 2008 by admin

C4 Waterman/Boardworks Demo Day in San Onofre California
Location: South of Dog Patch, San Onofre CA

Continue reading ‘C4 Waterman/Boardworks Demo Day in San Onofre California’
April 25th, 2008 by admin

C4 Waterman is proud to present the state-of-the-art Vortice XP stand-up paddleboard.
Continue reading ‘The C4 Waterman Vortice XP Is Now Available’
April 24th, 2008 by admin

Coupe de France
Longboard and Surf Tandem
Stand Up Paddle Challenge
May 17, 2008 at 29120 Plomeur
Continue reading ‘C4 Waterman Sponsors French Stand-Up and Tandem Contests’
April 24th, 2008 by evan

The Kialoa Shaka Pu’u is a sweet paddle. I saw a bunch of them in the Makaha Makahiki and there was Mel Pu’u himself with a pink paddle and pink board. You may snicker until you see that Mel is 250 lbs and could crush your skull with one hand. The paddle looked small compared to his size. Continue reading ‘Kialoa Shaka Puu on a Diet’
April 23rd, 2008 by admin

Here is the first newsletter from Tropical Blends. You guys may want to sign up to get the latest info on their products, specials and discounts.

Continue reading ‘Tropical Blends Newsletter’
April 21st, 2008 by evan

I was at C4 HQ a while back and got a first hand look at the new Eleu production paddle board. Todd said the Eleu has the most wins in races so far. This board is super light. It feels lighter than a 9’ longboard. Todd’s son Christian rode this on one of our downwinders and if he didn’t wait for me he would have been an hour ahead. That’s partly because I kept falling off my board but that’s beside the point.
Continue reading ‘C4 Waterman Eleu’
April 18th, 2008 by admin

On June 21st, 2008, Surftech will hold their annual Jay Moriarty Memorial Paddleboard Race presented by QuikSilverEdition. Held in Santa Cruz, Ca. the race course offers prone and standup paddlers alike a rigorous 12 mile paddle straight into the heart of the Monterey Bay. In conjunction with the men’s event, ROXY returns to present the Roxy Women’s Paddleboard Challenge held simultaneously on the same 12 mile course. Known locally as “the Jay Race”, what started as a core local tribute to one of Santa Cruz’s most legendary watermen has become an internationally recognized event that draws top prone paddlers and standup paddlers from areas as far away as Florida, Hawaii & Australia. Continue reading ‘The 2008 Surftech Jay Moriarty Memorial Paddleboard Race’
April 17th, 2008 by admin

Sunday, April 13, Surftech took part in the 2008 Ford Ironman Arizona event held in Tempe, Arizona showcasing the sport of standup paddling to the triathlete community and leading the 2.4 mile swim segment of the race.
Continue reading ‘Surftech leads Ford Ironman Arizona swim on standup paddleboards’
April 14th, 2008 by admin

We just got a heads up from Elliott of Island Glass Hawaii will be having a Demo Day on the 20th. Check out his email below:
Hi Guys,
This is a reminder/correction for Sunday the 20th of this month. Demo Day for Island Glass Hawaii They will be at Ala Moana Park, Koko Head side from 8-12. Click on their link, then click the scrolling banner close to the top of the page for details. It should be fun to demo some boards, talk story about epoxy vs polyurethane, how boards are made etc. You might even “score” a SUP! Tell your friends.. this is a FREEBIE! 
April 13th, 2008 by admin

New Paddles
Quickblade Wood Veneer/Carbon
Width: 8.75 Length: 15.5
Continue reading ‘New Paddles and Boards at Wet Feet Hawaii’
April 11th, 2008 by admin

A couple of upcoming races you may want to check out:
Sunday, April 13
Hinano State Championship
Awards at LuLu’s
Long: 16 Miles — Waimanalo Beach – Rabbit Island – Kaimana Beach (Weather Permitting)
Short: 10 Miles — Hawaii Kai – Portlock – Kaimana Beach
Continue reading ‘2008 Kanaka Ikaika Races’
April 10th, 2008 by evan

I got a chance to hang out with Joe Blair during his recent trip to Oahu’s north shore. We surfed everyday and had a blast on this new 8′9″ x 30″ x 4.25″ stand up board. I was shocked that at 220 lbs I could stand on it comfortably. In fact, once I got used to the 8′9″ I couldn’t go back to the 9′11″. It just felt too big. So the 9′11″ has been passed on to my buddy.
Continue reading ‘Joe Blair 8-9 Stand Up Paddle Board – Video’

Joe Blair 8-9 Stand Up Paddle Board [5:27m]:
Joe Blair 8-9 Stand Up Paddle Board [5:29m]: