Stand Up Paddle on Auction for Save The Children



Bob of will be auctioning off a stand up paddle with pyrographic artwork for charity. The auction will be held in the next two weeks for the “Save The Children” initiative. This event is spearheaded by our friends at

The paddle that has the artwork added on to is the one on the left.


Visit Bob’s post on for more information about the paddle.

Click on the link below for more information about this charity project

Woodworkers around the world help save the children at

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2 Responses to “Stand Up Paddle on Auction for Save The Children”

  1. Bob 1Bob

    Thanks for the link Evan. One small correction. While I do post on Ponohouse, it’s my brother Bill’s site. Not important but I wanted to make the distinction….he’s the old white haired guy.

    I have one more coat of varnish to do and it will be finished. I’ll be posting it on Lumberjocks as a finished project and on eBay for the auction this weekend. I plan on letting the auction run for a couple of weeks. I’ll be posting better pics of the finished paddle soon.

    Thanks again,

  2. Evan Leong 2evan

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