Landshark Surf Contest and 3 hour tour


I’ve had enough of not paddling. This weekend was just hectic moving in to my new Northshore pad and cleaning things… always cleaning. I met up with my buddy Mark and we went for a long downwind standup paddle and surf tour. We started at Kaimana beach and ended up down at Fly’s. It was a marvelous way to spend three hours. Paddling, surfing, paddling and then surfing some more. Pretty small kine waves out today.. but enough to have fun. Caught some at every break we passed, but a couple to remember at Three’s, in-betweens and out Ewa side of Concessions. All in all a good way to get in some practice for the Landshark Surf Contest.

Ok.. so what is the Landshark? It is a surf contest this Saturday at Bowls for lawyers, spouses of lawyers and significant others of lawyers. That pretty much covers everyone right? I mean if you have ever hired a lawyer, then you really are their significant other. There is a Stand Up Paddle Surf division for men and women. Anyways I am posting the sign up form. It is due by Oct 10th. See you out there!

2007 Landshark Surf Contest Form

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2 Responses to “Landshark Surf Contest and 3 hour tour”

  1. srfnff 1srfnff

    A completely unrelated topic…I see a lot of folks noseriding on your slideshows. I saw somewhere clear deck pad for a SUP nose…no wax, no skid. Anyone have a line on some of that? Thanks…

  2. Evan Leong 2evan

    Carnet – This Saturday and Sunday there is also a HASA contest at Queens.
    Should be a lot of the rippers down there.

    srfnff – I know that Wet Feet Hawaii has what you’re talking about. They also put it on the rails of their demo boards for protection. Another option is a treatment called Hula Grip but the sticker may be better.

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